BOOT CAMP 2024 with Julia Farid in Zanzibar

Publié le 18 Février 2024

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"BOOT CAMP with Julia Farid" est back.

For this edition, we'll be bringing you to Zanzibar. You hear it right ladies and gentlemen. 9 days/8 nights in a heaven on earth destination : white sand & turquoise beach, very kind people, delicious foods, sun, tourism, culture, dance of course and amazing ambiance as usual. 
This trip is open to EVERYONE & ALL LEVEL : students, teachers, dancers and oriental dance enthusiast.
Payment in 6 installments
Limited spots for the comfort of all the participants
Half of the spots already sold so hurry up
 Join us from 19th to 27th of October 2024 in Zanzibar
Organisers :



Änna, professeur, chorégraphe et danseuse orientale à Bordeaux: Eysines, Talence, Cestas, Canéjan, Gradignan et Pessac (école / cours de danse orientale pour les enfants, mère & fille, adultes et adolescents, cours de danse orientale en ligne-en temps réel à Bordeaux, Pessac et Talence, cours EVJF à Bordeaux). Notre association a été la toute première école de danse qui a offert un gala virtuel en France, pendant le COVID (streaming en live : on a rien laché !). Pour vos soirées, stages, spectacles, cours collectifs, cours particulier/coaching privé, création d'une chorégraphie, voyage/séjour de danse orientale & tourisme avec Änna au Caire et à l’Étranger, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.

Änna is a professional bellydancer, choreographer, teacher and director of the ORIENTAL GROOVE bellydance festival in Bordeaux, France (bellydance regular classes, private class/private coaching, and online live classes for adults and children in Bordeaux : Pessac, Eysines, Cestas, Canéjan, Gradignan and Talence). Our dance school/association is the very first dance school to produce/offer a virtual gala in France during COVID (we didn't give up our live streaming classes during lockdown). Don't hesitate to contact me as well for private events, shows, weekly classes, coaching and most especially if you want to join in our future bellydance trips abroad or in Cairo. Contact : Änna / /

Rédigé par Änna Orientale de Bordeaux

Publié dans #VOYAGES, #Séjours, #boot camp

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